TL:DR - looking for a local artist to help develop the look of a series of animated science videos
paid gig
I am producing a series of videos that use animation to help scientists and other researchers better communicate their work, their stories and their philosophy in a way that connects to people who might not normally engage with science content.
For National Science Week 2022, we were fortunate enough to win a grant to make three animated storytime videos.
While it’s only been a couple of weeks since their release, these videos have already been viewed more than 10,000 times (mostly in Australia), been used as educational resources, and been selected to appear in film festivals.
(If you’re interested, you can check them out here)
I would like to continue to develop and refine this science/storytime concept. Ideally, I’d like to reach a point where I can step back and use this approach to give scientists from a diverse range of backgrounds a set of guidelines to produce engaging science content, and a platform to get their message out there.
To achieve this, I’m planning on applying for a much larger grant for National Science Week 2023. One of the things I want to do with this funding, is to re-work the look / style / art direction of the videos.
The current look was decided upon when we had a single animator, and it was the easiest style for them to produce. However, as this project has grown, we’ve had to bring on other animators, and start to consider things like model sheets, and rigs.
It’s become clear that to take this work to the next level, we’re going to need to invest some time on the production side of these projects, and one of the things I’d like to do is to refine the look of the videos, and I’d like to work with a local artist to achieve this.
While the actual animation for these videos is done overseas, I think it would be cool if we can use this platform not only to showcase some cool Australian science but some cool Australian art too.
For this project, I’m looking for designs that are emotive, engaging and efficient to animate. These designs have to work within the storytime animation genre.
Essentially, the plan is to have a chat to see if this is a good fit for you, and if it is, figure out what we’d need to do to take this forward (and how much it would cost) - once I know that, I’ll write it into the grant and apply for every sci-comm grant that comes our way.
If this is something you're interested in, and you're around Brisbane, it would be great to have a coffee and a chat :)
No worries if you’re not from Brisbane, a zoom coffee is good too :)